
Please see below the steps to take if you wish to apply for enrolment at St Francis Catholic School:

Step 1 – Read 2024 Attendance Dues Flyer

Step 2 – Fill out the Online Enrolment Form

Step 3 – Attach the completed (and signed by a Catholic Priest) Preference Certificate to your online enrolment, or alternatively email the document to office@stfrancis.school.nz 

(If you wish to apply for enrolment without a Preference Certificate please email the Principal for more details at principal@stfrancis.school.nz    Please note that enrolment without a Preference Certificate may result in the child / children being put on the ‘waiting list’)

Step 4 – Wait for the Principal or the school office to contact you regarding your paperwork.  Once everything is complete you will receive a confirmation letter and details about school visits, start dates, attendance dues, uniforms etc.

If you wish to tour the school and discuss enrolment please email the Principal at principal@stfrancis.school.nz 


Policy Statements Maximum Roll

The school’s maximum roll is managed within the maximum number prescribed in the school’s Integration Agreement. The number of places available for non-preference students is governed by the maximum allowable in the school’s Integration Agreement which is 5 per cent of the maximum roll.



The Board of Trustees of St Francis Catholic School, Pt Chevalier has formulated procedures which allow for the enrolment of new students.
There is no restriction on who may apply for entry, provided they fall within the legal description in the school’s Integration Agreement.

Where the school receives more applications than places available, consistent with the Special Character of the school, preference is given to families who have an established connection with the Catholic Church. Preference for enrolment is established by the preference certificate in accordance with the criteria approved by the Bishops of New Zealand. (Last revised in 2009)

If the total number of applications for enrolment is greater than the number of places available, unsuccessful applicants will have their names recorded on a waiting list within their relevant priority category. They may be offered places at a later date if places become available according to the year level where the vacancy has arisen.

The Board of Trustees delegates to the Principal, as professional leader and manager of the school, the responsibility to administer this enrolment scheme.

Policy Enrolment REVIEWED 2020



School Fees


Financial assistance is available to assist families who may need financial support with the payment of Attendance Dues for preference students attending Catholic schools in Auckland Diocese, both primary and secondary.

Families facing financial difficulties can contact their school office, their Parish Priest or the Revenue Manager on 09-360-3069 at the Catholic Diocese of Auckland for further information.

Application forms for this assistance are available from school and parish offices, or can be down-loaded from the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Website

Please read – Compulsory Attendance Dues – Parent and Caregiver Responsibilities


St Francis Catholic School has a compulsory school uniform and we ask our families to please ensure it is worn correctly year-round, with it clearly labelled.

The uniform can be purchased by our supplier, Elizabeth Michael Corporate Wear.

Phone: 09 358 1680   Website:  www.elizabethmichael.co.nz

Girl’s School Uniform: Short Sleeve Blouse, Culottes, Cardigan/Fleece Jacket and Under the Knee socks.

Boy’s School Uniform: Short Sleeve Shirt, Shorts, Jumper/Fleece Jacket, Socks with stripes.

Other accessories: Hair scrunchie/head band, Rain Jacket, Bucket Hat and Sports shorts.

  • Also available at the school office: Hats, PE t-shirts and sports shorts.
  • Second-hand uniforms are available from ‘The Friends of St Francis’, through the school office.  Please consider donating your old school uniforms to the Second-hand uniforms programme.